Continuing Education Requirements and appeal processes for the certified athletic equipment manager

Units of continuing education shall be approved by the continuing education committee of the Athletic Equipment Managers’ Association, Inc.  Where it is applicable, the Continuing Education Unit (CEU) will be adopted as the unit of measurement to meet the continuing education requirements of the certified athletic equipment manager of AEMA.  The Continuing Education Unit (CEU) is defined as “ten (10) contact hours of participation in an organized continuing education experience under responsible sponsorship, capable direction, and qualified instruction”.  [Ten (10) contact hours = one (1.0) CEU; One contact hour = .1 CEU].

To maintain certification the minimum number of units to be accumulated each three-year (3.0) continuing education period shall be (6.0) CEUs.   Window will run from July 1 immediately following the close of a window until June 30th 3 years later.  Example: Current window ends 6/30/25.  New window will run from 7/1/25 – 6/30/28.

Those certified within the 3-year period shall have their CEU requirements prorated for that period only. CEU’s will be prorated as such:

  • If exam is taken between 7/1/22 – 6/30/23, candidate will need to earn 6.0 ceu by end of window.
  • If exam is taken between 7/1/23 – 6/30/24, candidate will need to earn 4.0 ceu by end of window.
  • If exam is taken between 7/1/24 – 6/30/25, candidate will need to earn 2.0 ceu by end of window.  They will begin to earn CEU’s in next window.

The certified athletic equipment manager is responsible for submitting CEU information, proof of completion, and any supporting information within thirty days (30) of completing the activity.  See attached list for your district’s continuing education committee representative, they are your contact in continuing education.  

The certified athletic equipment manager who does not accumulate the recorded number of six (6) CEUs during the designated 3-year period shall have his/her name turned over to the membership and certification committee for appropriate action.  Any action taken affecting status of a certified athletic equipment manager relating to continuing education may be appealed to the continuing education committee (please refer to the appeal process section.) In order to maintain certification, a certified member may opt to take and pass the certification exam within the last year of the window.  Individuals that pass the exam will maintain their certification, and will be required to earn the regular 6.0 ceu’s for the next window (CEU’s will not be pro-rated as they are for newly certified members.)

Certified athletic equipment managers serving as members of the armed forces may request (in writing) a waiver of CEUs during their tour of active duty.  The request will be granted at the discretion of the continuing education committee.

A certified equipment manager must be in good standing in order to be awarded CEUs.  Activities that occur during a period in which a member is not in good standing will not be awarded.  During reporting window, any certified member’s dues may lapse and not lose certification.  However, the member may not accumulate continuing education units while not a member of AEMA.  The member must pay dues of each lapsed years of membership dues.  The CEC will not accept any ceu report activities after 30 day reporting period.

Appeal Process

The certified Athletic Equipment Manager will receive an annual statement showing the number of CEUs accumulated.  CEUs earned in excess of requirements for the current period cannot be credited to the next recording period.

A Certified Athletic Equipment Manager who fails to accumulate sufficient CEUs during a report window will be mailed a notice, to their last known address, that they do not have enough CEUs to remain certified.  If they wish to remain certified they have 30 days after mailing date of this notice to appeal this status.  APPEAL MUST BE IN WRITING AND MUST PROVIDE EVIDENCE TO SUBSTANTIATE THE APPEAL.  The appeal will be sent to the following address:


Robin Wert
Equipment Coordinator
Franklin and Marshall College
PO Box 3003
Lancaster, PA 17604
(717) 358-4109


Kelly Jones
Equipment Manager
Gettysburg College
Athletic – Lincoln Ave.
Gettysburg, PA 17325
(717) 337-6438

edited: 12/2/21