Membership Types

  • Professional Member


    Professional members shall be open to any individual employed in full-time, paid status, in the capacity of Athletic Equipment Manager and has attained and maintained their AEMA Certification. Professional members shall pay dues as shall be determined by the Executive Board. **Select Equipment Manager - Standard on the registration page.

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  • Active Member


    Active members shall be open to any individual who has attained, and maintained, their AEMA Certification but are not employed full-time as an Equipment Manager. Active members shall pay such dues as shall be determined by the Executive Board. **Select Equipment Manager - Standard on the registration page.

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  • Standard Member


    Standard members shall be open to any individual employed with full-time paid status in the capacity as an Athletic Equipment Manager but has not yet attained AEMA Certification. Once AEMA Certification is obtained, the member's classification will be upgraded to Professional or Active Membership. Standard members shall pay such dues as shall be determined by the Executive Board.

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  • Retired Member

    No Fee

    Retired members shall be open to any member who has attained permanent retirement from full-time paid status employment. Retired members who have attained, and maintained, their AEMA Certification may request “Emeritus” status from the AEMA Certification Steering Committee and not be required to earn CEUs, unless they re-enter the work force. Retired members shall pay no dues.

  • Student Member


    Standard-student shall be open to individuals who are attempting a Bachelor's Degree or Graduate Student program, and working in an athletic equipment room or any high school student interested in becoming an Equipment Manager. Active-student has not yet attained AEMA Certification. Active-student members shall pay such dues as shall be determined by the Executive Board.

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