Code of Ethics

  • One outstanding characteristic of a profession is that its members are dedicated to rendering services to humanity. Also, they are committed to the improvement of standards in equipment. Financial gain or personal reward must be secondary. In becoming a member of the athletic equipment managing profession, the individual assumes obligations and responsibilities to conduct him self in accordance with its ideals and standards. These are set forth in the Constitution and By-Laws and are emphasized in the CODE OF ETHICS. Any athletic equipment manager who does not feel that he can or does not deem it necessary to comply with the principles set forth in the CODE should have no place in this profession.
    Athletics have gained a prominent place in our educational institutions and our communities at local, national, and international levels and are an important reflection of the way of life. The members of the athletic equipment managers profession must adhere to the highest standards of conduct in carrying out their significant role in athletic programs at all levels. It is for this reason that we have the CODE OF ETHICS.
    In approving this CODE, the Board of Directors recognize and believe that unless the standards and principles that are set forth in this document are accepted in good faith and followed sincerely, it will not be effective in continuing to improve the contributions of the profession and its members to athletics.
    Ethics are generally defined as a science of moral duty, or making the right actions relative to ideal principles. Let it be understood that all members of the Athletic Equipment Managers Association will understand and apply the principles set forth in this CODE, and make every effort to do the right thing at the right time to the best of their ability and judgment.

  • The primary purpose of this CODE is to clarify the ethical and approved professional practices as distinguished from those that might prove harmful or detrimental. Its secondary purpose is to instill into its members the value and importance of the athletic equipment managers role in the field of athletics and recreational equipment.

  • It is suggested that the Committee on Ethics be empowered to investigate reported violations of this CODE. It is the duty of this committee to collect all data pertaining to any reported violation, consider all sides of any controversial issue, then forward a report of its findings and recommendations to the Board of Directors for final action.
    It is further suggested that any member of the Association on becoming aware of a violation of the CODE, send a written report to both the President of the Association, and the chairman of the Committee on Ethics.

  • The stated objectives of the Athletic Equipment Managers Association in its Constitution are:

    1. The advancement, encouragement and improvement of the athletic equipment management profession in all its phases, and to promote a better working relationship among those persons interested in the problems of management.
    2. To develop further the professional ability of each of its members.
    3. To better serve the common interest of its members by providing a means for free exchange of ideas within the profession.
    4. To enable members to become better acquainted personally through casual good fellowship.
    5. To work as a group to bring about equipment improvements for greater safety of participants in all sports.
  • The essential basic principles in this CODE OF ETHICS of the A.E.M.A. are HONESTY, INTEGRITY, and LOYALTY. Athletic equipment managers who reflect these characteristics will be a credit to the Association, the institution they represent, and to themselves.
    When a person becomes a member of the athletic equipment managing profession, he assumes certain obligations and responsibilities as set forth in the following sections:

    An athletic equipment manager should do all in his power and ability to further develop and improve all branches of athletics and show no discrimination in his interests or efforts.

    Each and every member of an athletic squad should be treated conscientiously with out discrimination or partiality. An athletic equipment manager can wield a great amount of influence on members of athletic squads by proper conduct and the use of good judgment in dealing with various personalities and temperaments.
    In the care of equipment, the athletic equipment manager must be thorough in carrying out the accepted procedures and instructions. Any carelessness or laxity on the part of the athletic equipment manager in following through his responsibilities to players in a breach of ethical conduct.

    It is the athletic equipment manager’s responsibility to create and maintain a harmonious relationship between himself and all administrative officials. Suggestions and ideas should be freely exchanged and discussed, but any controversial matters should be taken care of confidentially on a friendly basis. Decisions, business procedures and established standards and policies should be given complete support by the athletic equipment manager.

    There should be a close harmonious relationship between athletic equipment managers and allied personnel based on mutual respect. Cooperation must be the primary feature of interaction between allied personnel and athletic equipment managers for the maintenance of espirit-de-corps, proper handling of equipment, methods of repair, and decisions relative to the welfare of the players and for conduct that is conducive for achieving the best results for all concerned.

    SECTION 5 – Fellow Athletic Equipment Managers and AssociatesThe relationship between athletic equipment managers is partially set forth in the objectives. However, it should be stated further that in the process of extending courtesies to fellow associates one should abstain from so-called “second guessing” them in the care of equipment. Any suggestions should be given, and taken, in the spirit of constructive cooperation.

    Any athletic equipment manager who by his conduct or comments publicly discredits or lowers the dignity of members of his profession is guilty of a breach of ethics. Any report of unethical conduct of this nature should go through proper channels, be considered objectively and without comment outside the Association.

  • The subject matter and implications of the following sections are of an abstract nature, but are definitely to be considered in the realm of the athletic equipment manager’s responsibility and obligations.

    SECTION 1 – Scholarship
    A fundamental responsibility of an athletic equipment manager in an educational institution is to promote and inspire scholastic achievement by the athletes enrolled in the school. This may be accomplished by suggestions, examples and the promotion of study.

    SECTION 2 – Testimonials and Endorsements
    When an athletic equipment manager accepts an offer and agrees to endorse a commercial product – material, equipment, instrument, facility, book – he must realize that the offer is made primarily because he is a successful representative of the athletic equipment manager’s profession. In any endorsement in which the athletic equipment manager’s name and/or reference to the athletic equipment managing profession is included, the wording and illustration, including any implications of the endorsement as a whole shall be such that no discredit to athletics in general nor to the athletic equipment managing profession may be construed. Any endorsement that is not in keeping with the highest principles and standards of the athletic equipment managing profession shall be considered unethical. The A.E.M.A. name, logo, trademark and/or insignia may not be used in any testimonials or endorsements by individual members or groups of members of the Association.

    SECTION 3 – Public Relations and News Media Relations
    The ideal arrangement is for the institution’s or organization’s public relations director to handle news releases. However, if the athletic equipment manager is authorized to answer questions from representatives of the press, radio, and television, he should use extremely good judgment in regard to the information given and the way in which it is given, direct questions should be answered honestly or not at all. If there is a possibility that an honest answer might be misleading or involve a detrimental interpretation, good judgment may demand a “no comment” answer. All representatives of news media should be treated with courtesy, honesty and respect.
    Written material for publication and any information for the press, radio or television given by a member of the athletic equipment managing profession are strictly that individual’s responsibility. Good judgment should indicate that no oral or written statement be made that reflect discredit to athletics in general or the athletic equipment managing profession. Any professional problems that arise should be settled within the Association.

    SECTION 4 – Assistance to Personnel of Visiting Teams
    If possible, inform the visiting team athletic equipment manager by mail of the facilities and services that will be available to the visiting team. Meet the visiting team manager when he arrives and offer any available services that he may desire. Make arrangements for any equipment assistance that is needed by the visiting team during the time they are guests. Meet and exchange greeting with the Coach and manager. During the times that a visiting team is preparing for practice or game and during practice, do not be constantly observing or overly inquisitive. After the game, offer any emergency service that the visiting team needs and give assistance in any way possible. Always be courteous to officials and visiting team players and other members of the visiting team party.

    SECTION 5 – Sportsmanship
    The athletic equipment manager is in a position to aid coaches and allied personnel in installing fair play and good sportsmanship in the players and fans. The harassment of the game officials is not considered good sportsmanship. Any athletic equipment manager who condones or defends unsportsman like practices shall be considered to have violated the CODE.

  • SECTION 1 – Reporting of Unethical Conduct
    Any member of the Association who becomes aware of conduct that he considers unethical and that he believes warrants investigation should report incident(s) in writing to the President and to the Executive Director of the Association. He should include in his communication all pertinent data.

    SECTION 2 – Investigation and Action
    In accordance with the By-Laws of the Association, the Ethics Committee investigates reported incidents of unethical conduct and if in the judgment of a majority of the council members it finds that the accused person has violated the Athletic Equipment Managers Association CODE OF ETHICS, it communicates its decision to the accused and to the Board of Directors in writing and recommends to the Board one of the following disciplinary actions: Letter or censorship, letter of censorship with a period of probation, or cancellation of membership.

    SECTION 3 – Action by the Board of Directors
    The decision of the Board of Directors in CODE OF ETHICS matters is final, except that if the decision is to initiate cancellation of membership such cancellation shall be done as prescribed in the Constitution.

  • Whenever the words “they”, “he”, “their”, “his”, “himself” or themselves” appear in this CODE OF ETHICS, they are intended to include both men and women.