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Proposed 2024-25 AEMA Budget

The 2024-25 Proposed AEMA Budget has been posted on the website. Please take a few moments to review it as we will need to obtain approval at the General Membership meeting in Oklahoma City. You may view it by logging in, go to Who We Are, and scroll down to the last item on the Drop Down Menu that says Budgets.

2024 PFEMS Scholarship

The Professional Football Equipment Managers Society (PFEMS) is pleased to announce the formation of its scholarship program to support and encourage undergraduate students in the equipment management field. The awarding of this scholarship will start in the 2024-2025 academic year through the PFEMS general fund.


The purpose of the Athletic Equipment Managers Association (AEMA) is to promote, advance, and improve the Equipment Managers Profession in all of its many phases. One goal is to work as a group to bring about equipment improvements for the greater safety of all participants in sports and recreation. Members of the AEMA enjoy the opportunity to meet fellow equipment managers at convention, share ideas, and learn more efficient techniques to help improve their work place.

Equipment Standards News Roundup

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